Alls is valid Scrabble Word

Is alls a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is alls valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ALLS in dictionary:

Words related to ALLS


Words that contain ALLS

balls7 calls7 falls8 galls6 halls8 lalls5 malls7 palls7 talls5 walls8 ballsy11 myalls11 scalls8 smalls8 spalls8 stalls6 allseed8 appalls11 ballsed10 ballses9 becalls11 befalls12 begalls10 devalls11 emballs11 enwalls10 infalls10 inwalls10 moralls9 onfalls10 recalls9 refalls10 squalls16 thralls10 airballs10 allseeds9 allsorts8 allspice12 ashfalls14 ballsier10 ballsing11 boxballs19 catcalls12 catfalls13 cupgalls13 dewfalls15 drywalls15 earballs10 eyeballs13 furballs13 fusballs13 gadwalls13 gingalls10 gumballs13 hersalls11 holdalls12 iceballs12 icefalls13 installs8 jawfalls21 jingalls16 lowballs13 miscalls12 misfalls13 netballs10 nutgalls9 oddballs12 outcalls10 outfalls11 overalls11 patballs12 paywalls16 pinballs12 pinfalls13 pitfalls13 seawalls11 setwalls11 smallsat10 wallsend12 witwalls14 bergalls11 allspices13 backfalls20 ballsiest11 baseballs13 beanballs13 beerhalls14 bergfalls15 bethralls14 birdcalls14 blowballs16 blueballs13 borstalls11 bundwalls15 bungwalls15 carryalls14 catchalls16 cetywalls17 coalballs13 cornballs13 coveralls14 Show more ...

How to use ALLS in a sentence

Similar words containing ALL without suffix s

all3 ally7 ball6 call6 fall7 gall5 hall7 lall4 mall6 pall6 sall4 tall4 wall7 allay8 allee5 allel5 alley8 allis5 allod6 allot5 allow8 alloy8 allyl8 balls7 bally10 calla7 calls7 dalle6 dally9 falls8 galls6 gally9 hallo8 halls8 lalls5 malls7 myall10 nalla5 palla7 palls7 pally10 rally8 salle5 sally8 scall7 shall8 small7 spall7 stall5 talls5 tally8 walla8 walls8 wally11 aller5 allays9 allees6 allege7 allele6 allels6 alleys9 alliak10 allice8 allied7 allies6 allium8 allods7 allons6 allots6 allows9 alloys9 allude7 allure6 allyls9 allyou9 anally9 appall10 ballad9 ballan8 ballat8 balled9 baller8 ballet8 ballon8 ballot8 ballow11 ballsy11 ballup10 becall10 befall11 begall9 callan8 callas8 called9 callee8 caller8 callet8 callid9 callop10 callow11 Show more ...
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