Balled is valid Scrabble Word

Is balled a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is balled valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BALLED in dictionary:

Words related to BALLED

ball6 balling10 balls7

Words that contain BALLED

caballed13 emballed13 eyeballed15 gimballed15 lowballed15 pinballed14 verballed15 airballed12 handballed17 highballed20 mothballed18 snowballed16 spitballed15 blackballed22 curveballed19 speedballed17 cannonballed17

How to use BALLED in a sentence

Similar words containing BALL without suffix ed

ball6 balls7 bally10 ballad9 ballan8 ballat8 baller8 ballet8 ballon8 ballot8 ballow11 ballsy11 ballup10 emball10 airball9 ballade10 ballads10 ballans9 ballant9 ballast9 ballats9 ballboy14 ballers9 ballets9 ballies9 balling10 ballium11 ballons9 balloon9 ballots9 ballows12 ballsed10 ballses9 ballups11 ballute9 boxball18 earball9 emballs11 eyeball12 furball12 fusball12 gumball12 iceball11 lowball12 netball9 oddball11 patball11 pinball11 proball11 ballier9 ballock15 airballs10 balladed12 ballades11 balladic13 balladin11 balladry14 ballants10 ballasts10 ballated11 ballboys15 ballclay15 ballcock18 balleted11 balletic12 ballgame13 ballgirl11 ballgown14 ballhawk20 ballings11 ballista10 balliums12 ballocks16 ballonet10 ballonne10 balloons10 balloted11 ballotee10 balloter10 ballpark16 ballpeen12 ballroom12 ballsier10 ballsing11 ballutes10 ballyard14 ballyhoo16 ballyrag14 baseball12 beanball12 blowball15 blueball12 boxballs19 caballed13 caballer12 coalball12 cornball12 dirtball11 dustball11 earballs10 Show more ...
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