Lolly is valid Scrabble Word

Is lolly a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lolly valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LOLLY in dictionary:

Words related to LOLLY


Words that contain LOLLY

loblolly13 lollygag13 lollypop15 lollygags14 lollypops16 lollygagged18 lollygagger17 lollygagging19 lollygaggers18

How to use LOLLY in a sentence

Similar words containing LOL without suffix ly

loll4 lolz13 lolls5 lolog6 salol5 xylol15 loligo7 lolium8 lolled7 loller6 lollop8 lologs7 palolo8 salols6 tallol6 xylols16 linalol7 loligos8 loliums9 lollers7 lollies7 lolling8 lollops9 lollopy12 palolos9 tallols7 theelol10 timolol9 atenolol8 halolike15 linalols8 loblolly13 lollipop12 lolloped11 lollygag13 lollypop15 pelology14 santalol8 theelols11 timolols10 xylology22 atenolols9 cyclolith19 haplology18 hoplology18 kiloliter13 kilolitre13 lollingly13 lollipops13 lolloping12 lollygags14 lollypops16 ololiuqui18 philology18 practolol13 santalols9 sialolith12 songololo10 stylolite12 lollopier11 amylolyses18 amylolysis18 amylolytic20 angelology15 cycloliths20 haplologic18 kiloliters14 kilolitres14 loblollies12 malolactic16 ololiuquis19 pelologies13 philologer16 philologic18 philologue16 practolols14 pyrogallol16 shongololo14 sialoliths13 songololos11 stylolites13 stylolitic15 typhlology22 xylologies21 metoprolol14 lollopiest12 angelolatry15 citronellol13 dactylology21 diabolology18 haplologies17 hoplologies17 hoplologist17 lollygagged18 philologers17 philologian17 philologies17 philologist17 philologues17 propranolol15 Show more ...
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