Rends is valid Scrabble Word

Is rends a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rends valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RENDS in dictionary:

Words related to RENDS

rend5 rended8 rending9 rent4

Words that contain RENDS

trends7 uptrends11 yearends12 adherends14 reverends13 subtrends12 downtrends15 trendsetter12 trendsetters13 trendsetting14 countertrends16 trendsettings15

How to use RENDS in a sentence

Similar words containing ND without suffix s and without prefix re

and4 end4 und4 ands5 band7 bend7 bind7 bond7 bund7 cond7 ends5 fand8 fend8 find8 fond8 fund8 hand8 hend8 hind8 hond8 kind9 kond9 kynd12 land5 lend5 lind5 mand7 mend7 mind7 pand7 pend7 pond7 rand5 rend5 rind5 rund5 rynd8 sand5 send5 sind5 synd8 tend5 tind5 tund5 tynd8 unde5 undo5 undy8 vend8 wand8 wend8 wind8 wynd11 yond8 kund9 aband8 ahind9 aland6 amend8 andro6 banda8 bandh11 bands8 bandy11 bends8 bendy11 bindi8 binds8 bland8 blend8 blind8 blond8 bonds8 bound8 brand8 brond8 bunde8 bundh11 bunds8 bundt8 bundu8 bundy11 candy11 chynd14 condo8 cundy11 dandy10 eland6 emend8 ended7 ender6 endew9 endow9 endue6 fands9 fends9 fendy12 fiend9 finds9 fonda9 fonds9 fondu9 found9 frond9 fundi9 funds9 fundy12 gandy10 gland7 grand7 grind7 grund7 gundy10 hands9 handy12 hends9 hinds9 honda9 honds9 hound9 hynde12 indew9 index13 india6 indie6 indol6 indow9 indri6 indue6 kandy13 kendo10 kinda10 kinds10 kindy13 kondo10 kynde13 kynds13 lande6 lands6 laund6 lends6 linds6 lindy9 lound6 lownd9 mandi8 maund8 mends8 minds8 monde8 mondo8 mound8 nandu6 oundy9 panda8 pands8 pandy11 pends8 pendu8 piend8 poind8 ponds8 pound8 pownd11 rands6 randy9 rinds6 rindy9 ronde6 rondo6 round6 rownd9 runds6 rynds9 sands6 sandy9 scand8 scend8 sends6 shand9 shend9 sinds6 sonde6 sound6 sownd9 spend8 stand6 stend6 stond6 synds9 teend6 teind6 tends6 tendu6 tinds6 tondi6 tondo6 trend6 tunds6 tynde9 undam8 undee6 under6 undid7 undos6 undue6 undug7 upend8 vanda9 vends9 vendu9 viand9 wands9 wends9 winds9 windy12 wound9 wynds12 ycond11 zendo15 zonda15 nduja13 handi9 danda7 abands9 abound9 accend11 addend9 adland8 agenda8 alands7 almond9 amende9 amends9 ananda7 andros7 append11 argand8 around7 ascend9 attend7 augend8 bandar9 bandas9 banded10 bander9 bandhs12 bandit9 bandog10 behind12 benday12 bended10 bendee9 bender9 bendys12 beyond12 bhindi12 binder9 bindhi12 bindis9 bindle9 blands9 blende9 blends9 blinds9 blonde9 blonds9 bonded10 bonder9 bonduc11 bounds9 brands9 brandy12 bronds9 buhund12 bunded10 bundhs12 bundle9 bundts9 bundus9 candid10 candie9 candle9 candor9 cendre9 cinder9 conder9 condie9 condom11 condor9 condos9 cundum11 dander8 dandle8 defend11 defund11 demand10 depend10 desand8 dindle8
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