Mends is valid Scrabble Word

Is mends a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mends valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MENDS in dictionary:

Words related to MENDS

mend7 mended10 mending11

Words that contain MENDS

amends9 emends9 remends10 commends15 reamends11 recommends17 discommends19

How to use MENDS in a sentence

Similar words containing MEND without suffix s

mend7 amend8 emend8 amende9 amends9 emends9 mended10 mender9 remend9 amended11 amender10 amendes10 commend14 emended11 emender10 menders10 mendigo11 mending11 reamend10 remends10 amenders11 amending12 commends15 emendals11 emendate11 emenders11 emending12 mendable13 mendigos12 mendings12 reamends11 remended12 unmended12 amendable14 amendment14 commendam18 commended17 commender16 emendable14 emendated13 emendates12 emendator12 mendacity17 mendicant14 mendicity17 reamended13 recommend16 remending13 unamended13 amendatory16 amendments15 commendams19 commenders17 commending18 discommend18 emendating14 emendation13 emendators13 emendatory16 mendacious15 mendicancy20 mendicants15 reamending14 recommends17 roadmender14 tremendous13 commendable20 commendably23 commendator18 discommends19 emendations14 encomendero16 mendacities16 mendelevium19 mendicities16 reamendment16 recommended19 recommender18 roadmenders15 unamendable16 uncommended19 commendation19 commendators19 commendatory22 discommended21 encomenderos17 mendaciously20 mendeleviums20 mendicancies19 reamendments17 recommenders19 recommending20 tremendously18 untremendous15 commendations20 discommending22 recommendable22 recommendably25 uncommendable22 uncommendably25 Show more ...
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