Rand is valid Scrabble Word

Is rand a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rand valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RAND in dictionary:

Words related to RAND

randed8 randing9 rands6

Words that contain RAND

brand8 grand7 rands6 randy9 brands9 brandy12 errand7 farand10 grande8 grands8 randan7 randed8 randem9 randie7 random9 randon7 strand7 tarand7 astrand8 branded11 brander10 errands8 farrand11 grandad10 grandam11 grandee9 grander9 grandly12 grandma11 grandpa11 operand10 randans8 randems10 randier8 randies8 randily11 randing9 randoms10 randons8 rebrand10 strands8 tarands8 veranda11 viranda11 virando11 warrand11 brandade12 branders11 brandied12 brandies11 branding12 brandise11 brandish14 grandads11 grandame12 grandams12 granddad12 granddam13 grandees10 grandest10 grandeur10 grandkid15 grandmas12 grandpas12 grandsir10 grandson10 honorand12 misbrand13 nonbrand11 operands11 prandial11 randiest9 randlord10 randomly14 rebrands11 stranded10 strander9 verandah15 verandas12 virandas12 virandos12 warrands12 brandades13 brandered13 brandings13 brandises12 brandless12 brandling13 brandreth15 brandying16 curandera12 curandero12 doctorand13 farandine13 farandole13 firebrand15 girandola11 girandole11 grandaddy16 grandames13 grandaunt11 Show more ...

How to use RAND in a sentence

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