Thar is valid Scrabble Word

Is thar a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is thar valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for THAR in dictionary:

Words related to THAR

tahr7 thars8

Words that contain THAR

tharm10 thars8 tharms11 cithara12 futharc15 futhark17 kithara14 canthari13 citharas13 futharcs16 futharks18 kitharas15 lethargy15 litharge12 lothario11 cantharid15 cantharis14 cantharus14 catharise14 catharize23 catharses14 catharsis14 cathartic16 citharist14 colcothar16 katharses16 katharsis16 lethargic15 litharges13 lotharios12 outharbor14 cantharids16 catharised16 catharises15 catharized25 catharizes24 cathartics17 citharists15 colcothars17 lethargied15 lethargies14 lethargise14 lethargize23 restharrow16 outharbors15 outharbour15 breatharian16 cantharidal17 cantharides17 cantharidic19 cantharidin17 catharising17 catharizing26 cathartical18 citharistic18 lethargical17 lethargised16 lethargises15 lethargized25 lethargizes24 postharvest19 restharrows17 tharborough20 zoantharian23 outharbours16 anacatharses17 anacatharsis17 anacathartic19 breatharians17 cantharidian18 cantharidins18 katharevousa22 katharometer21 lethargising17 lethargizing26 tharboroughs21 zoantharians24 cantharidine18 anacathartics20 cathartically23 katharevousas23 katharometers22 lethargically22 cantharidines19 breatharianism21 narcocatharses21 narcocatharsis21 spinthariscope23 breatharianisms22 protospatharius22 spinthariscopes24

How to use THAR in a sentence

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