Git is valid Scrabble Word

Is git a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is git valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GIT in dictionary:

Words related to GIT

gits5 gitted8 gitting9

Words that contain GIT

gite5 gits5 agita6 digit7 gitch11 gites6 legit6 agitas7 augite7 baggit10 cogito9 digits8 dugite8 elegit7 giggit9 gitana7 gitano7 gitted8 gittin7 legits7 agitans8 agitate8 agitato8 agitpop12 augites8 augitic10 baggits11 biggity14 cogitos10 digital9 dugites9 elegits8 giggits10 gitanas8 gitanos8 gitches13 gittern8 gitting9 legitim10 ringgit9 sagitta8 tergite8 thiggit12 turgite8 vagitus11 zorgite17 agitable11 agitated10 agitates9 agitator9 agitpops13 agitprop13 cogitate11 digitals10 digitate10 digitise10 digitize19 digitron10 digitule10 eclogite11 eklogite13 enargite9 fugitive15 giggited12 gitterns9 legitims11 phengite14 ringgits10 sagittal9 sagittas9 tergites9 turgites9 umangite11 zorgites18 agitating11 agitation10 agitative13 agitators10 agitprops14 biggitier13 cogitable14 cogitated13 cogitates12 cogitator12 dialogite11 digitalin11 digitalis11 digitally14 digitated12 digitised12 digitiser11 digitises11 digitized21 digitizer20 digitizes20 digitonin11 digitoxin18 digitrons11 digitules11 eclogites12 eklogites14 Show more ...

How to use GIT in a sentence

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