Relying is valid Scrabble Word

Is relying a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is relying valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RELYING in dictionary:

Words related to RELYING

relie5 relied7 relies6 rely7

Words that contain RELYING

forelying16 misrelying16

How to use RELYING in a sentence

Similar words containing LY without suffix ing and without prefix re

cly8 fly9 lye6 lym8 ply8 sly6 vly9 ably9 agly8 ally7 coly9 duly8 eely7 guly8 holy10 idly8 illy7 inly7 lily7 lyam9 lych12 lyes7 lyme9 lyms9 lyne7 lynx14 lyra7 lyre7 lyse7 lyte7 moly9 oily7 only7 owly10 paly9 pily9 poly9 puly9 rely7 ruly7 ugly8 waly10 wily10 flys10 allyl8 amply12 apply12 aptly10 badly11 bally10 belly10 bialy10 bigly11 billy10 blype12 bully10 burly10 calyx17 clype12 coaly10 colly10 cooly10 coyly13 cully10 curly10 daily9 dally9 deely9 delly9 dilly9 dimly11 doily9 dolly9 dooly9 dowly12 doyly12 drily9 dryly12 dully9 duply11 early8 fatly11 felly11 ferly11 feyly14 filly11 fitly11 flyby16 flyer11 flype13 flyte11 folly11 fonly11 fugly12 fully11 gaily9 gally9 gayly12 gelly9 gilly9 Show more ...
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