Edition is valid Scrabble Word

Is edition a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is edition valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EDITION in dictionary:

Words related to EDITION

editioned11 editioning12 editions9

Words that contain EDITION

editions9 sedition9 editioned11 reedition10 seditions10 editioning12 expedition20 reeditions11 expeditions21 seditionary15 expeditioner22 expeditionary26 seditionaries14 expeditioners23

How to use EDITION in a sentence

Similar words containing EDI without suffix tion

cedi7 edit5 jedi12 pedi7 bedim10 beedi8 cedis8 edict8 edify12 edile6 edits6 jedis13 media8 medic10 medii8 redia6 redid7 redip8 pedis8 maedi8 acedia9 aedile7 aedine7 bedide10 bedims11 beedie9 bredie9 ceding10 coedit9 credit9 edible9 edicts9 ediles7 edited8 editor7 mediad10 mediae9 medial9 median9 medias9 medick15 medico11 medics11 medina9 medium11 medius9 rediae7 redial7 redias7 reding8 redips9 redipt9 reedit7 sedile7 tedier7 tedium9 uredia7 yeding11 acedias10 aediles8 areding9 bedight14 bedirty13 bedizen19 beedies10 bredies10 breding11 cedilla10 chedite13 coedits10 comedic14 credits10 dedimus11 deedier9 deedily12 deeding10 edibles10 edictal10 edifice13 edified12 edifier11 edifies11 editing9 editors8 editrix15 feeding12 foredid12 heedier11 heeding12 inedita8 khediva18 khedive18 mediacy15 medials10 medians10 mediant10 mediate10 medical12 medicks16 medicos12 Show more ...
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