Lift is valid Scrabble Word

Is lift a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lift valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIFT in dictionary:

Words related to LIFT

lefte8 liftable13 lifted10 lifter9 lifters10 lifting11 lifts8

Words that contain LIFT

clift10 glift9 lifts8 clifts11 clifty14 glifts10 lifted10 lifter9 uplift11 airlift10 clifted13 eyelift13 liftboy15 lifters10 lifting11 liftman12 liftmen12 liftoff16 sealift10 uplifts12 airlifts11 backlift19 boatlift13 cliftier13 deadlift13 eyelifts14 facelift16 forelift14 forklift18 helilift14 liftable13 liftback19 liftboys16 liftgate12 liftoffs17 sealifts11 shoplift16 uplifted14 uplifter13 airlifted13 backlifts20 boatlifts14 chairlift17 cliftiest14 deadlifts14 facelifts17 forelifts15 forklifts19 helilifts15 liftbacks20 liftgates13 sealifted13 shoplifts17 stairlift12 uplifters14 uplifting15 airlifting14 boatlifted16 chairlifts18 deadlifted16 facelifted19 forelifted17 forklifted21 helilifted17 sealifting14 shoplifted19 shoplifter18 stairlifts13 unuplifted16 upliftings16 boatlifting17 deadlifting17 facelifting20 forelifting18 forklifting22 helilifting18 powerlifter19 shirtlifter17 shoplifters19 shoplifting20 upliftingly20 powerlifters20 powerlifting21 shirtlifters18 shopliftings21 weightlifter22 powerliftings22 weightlifters23 weightlifting24 weightliftings25 antishoplifting24

How to use LIFT in a sentence

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