Ban is valid Scrabble Word

Is ban a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ban valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BAN in dictionary:

Words related to BAN

bani6 bannable12 banned9 banning10 bans6

Words that contain BAN

banc8 band7 bane6 bang7 bani6 bank10 bans6 bant6 banh9 aband8 amban9 banak11 banal7 banco9 bancs9 banda8 bandh11 bands8 bandy11 baned8 banes7 bangs8 bania7 banjo14 banks11 banns7 bants7 bantu7 banty10 banya10 goban8 koban11 obang8 unban7 urban7 ebank11 abands9 ambans10 ameban10 banaks12 banana8 bancos10 bandar9 bandas9 banded10 bander9 bandhs12 bandit9 bandog10 banged10 banger9 bangle9 banian8 banias8 baning9 banish11 banjax22 banjos15 banked13 banker12 banket12 bankit12 banned9 banner8 bannet8 bantam10 banted9 banter8 bantus8 banyan11 banyas11 banzai17 cabana10 corban10 cubane10 embank14 gobang10 gobans9 kanban12 kobang13 kobans12 libant8 obangs9 riband9 roband9 rurban8 tulban8 turban8 unbans8 urbane8 abanded11 abandon10 amoeban11 armband12 banaler9 banally12 bananas9 bandage11 bandaid11 bandana10 bandari10 Show more ...

How to use BAN in a sentence

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