Excess is valid Scrabble Word

Is excess a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is excess valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXCESS in dictionary:

Words related to EXCESS

excessed18 excesses17 excessing19 nimiety12 plethora13 superfluity19

Words that contain EXCESS

excessed18 excesses17 excessing19 excessive21 excessively26 excessiveness25 excessivenesses27

How to use EXCESS in a sentence

Similar words containing CES without suffix s and without prefix ex

aces6 cess6 ices6 bices9 cesse7 cesta7 cesti7 daces8 dices8 duces8 faces10 feces10 fices10 fyces13 laces7 luces7 maces9 onces7 paces9 puces9 races7 rices7 sices7 soces7 syces10 taces7 tices7 unces7 vices10 voces10 access10 aesces8 amices10 apices10 bocces12 bonces10 braces10 bunces10 calces10 cesium10 cessed9 cesser8 cesses8 cestas8 cestoi8 cestos8 cestui8 cestus8 cesura8 cesure8 chaces13 cruces10 dances9 deices9 deuces9 dolces9 dooces9 drices9 dulces9 dunces9 ecesic10 ecesis8 educes9 faeces11 falces11 farces11 fasces11 fauces11 fences11 forces11 glaces9 graces9 greces9 grices9 gryces12 hances11 ibices10 ilices8 incest8 juices15 lances8 merces10 minces10 nances8 nicest8 nieces8 nonces8 ounces8 pances10 peaces10 peeces10 pences10 perces10 pieces10 places10 ponces10 preces10 prices10 pucest10 punces10 Show more ...
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