Ing is valid Scrabble Word

Is ing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ING in dictionary:

Words related to ING


Words that contain ING

bing7 ding6 ging6 hing8 ingo5 ings5 king9 ling5 ming7 ping7 ring5 sing5 ting5 wing8 zing14 jing12 acing8 aging7 ahing9 ainga6 aking10 aping8 awing9 axing13 being8 binge8 bingo8 bings8 bingy11 bling8 boing8 bring8 ching11 cling8 cuing8 dinge7 dingo7 dings7 dingy10 doing7 duing7 dying10 ehing9 eking10 ering6 exing13 eying9 fling9 ginge7 gings7 going7 hinge9 hings9 hoing9 hying12 icing8 ingan6 ingle6 ingot6 iring6 jingo13 kaing10 kings10 linga6 lingo6 lings6 lingy9 lying9 minge8 mings8 mingy11 nying9 ohing9 oping8 owing9 piing8 pingo8 pings8 pling8 rings6 ruing6 singe6 sings6 sling6 sting6 suing6 swing9 thing9 tinge6 tings6 toing6 tying9 using6 vying12 winge9 wings9 wingy12 wring9 zings15 zingy18 jings13 Show more ...

How to use ING in a sentence

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