Cling is valid Scrabble Word

Is cling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CLING in dictionary:

Words related to CLING

clinged11 clinger10 clingers11 clingier11 clingiest12 clinginess13 clinging12 clingingly17 clings9 clingy12 clung8

Words that contain CLING

clings9 clingy12 clinged11 clinger10 cycling15 uncling10 circling13 clingers11 clingier11 clinging12 cyclings16 muscling13 noncling11 oracling11 anticling12 articling12 bicycling19 circlings14 clingfilm17 clingfish18 clingiest12 clingwrap17 manacling14 musclings14 recycling17 treacling12 upcycling19 clingfilms18 clinginess13 clingingly17 clingstone13 clingwraps18 encircling15 pinnacling15 precycling20 recircling15 recyclings18 tricycling18 unicycling18 chronicling19 clingfishes20 clingstones14 freecycling22 immanacling18 outmuscling16 tricyclings19 unmanacling16 encirclings16 clinginesses15 clingingness16 motorcycling22 tabernacling17 semicircling19 grasscycling21 conventicling21 motorcyclings23 clingingnesses18

How to use CLING in a sentence

Similar words containing CL without suffix ing

cly8 clad7 clag7 clam8 clan6 clap8 clat6 claw9 clay9 clef9 cleg7 clem8 clew9 clip8 clit6 clod7 clog7 clon6 clop8 clot6 clou6 clow9 cloy9 club8 clue6 ancle7 clach12 clack13 clade8 clads8 claes7 clags8 claim9 clame9 clamp11 clams9 clang8 clank11 clans7 claps9 clapt9 claro7 clart7 clary10 clash10 clasp9 class7 clast7 clats7 claut7 clave10 clavi10 claws10 clays10 clean7 clear7 cleat7 cleck13 cleek11 cleep9 clefs10 cleft10 clegs8 cleik11 clems9 clepe9 clept9 clerk11 cleve10 clews10 click13 clied8 clies7 cliff13 clift10 climb11 clime9 cline7 clink11 clint7 clipe9 clips9 clipt9 clits7 cloak11 cloam9 clock13 clods8 cloff13 clogs8 cloke11 clomb11 clomp11 clone7 clonk11 clons7 cloop9 cloot7 clops9 close7 Show more ...
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