Clot is valid Scrabble Word

Is clot a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is clot valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CLOT in dictionary:

Words related to CLOT

clots7 clotted10 clotting11 clottings12 clottish13 grume8

Words that contain CLOT

clote7 cloth10 clots7 clotes8 clothe11 cloths11 clotty11 clotbur11 clothed13 clothes12 clotted10 clotter9 cloture9 beclothe15 clotburs12 clothier13 clothing14 clotpoll12 clotters10 clottier10 clotting11 clottish13 clotured11 clotures10 enclothe13 oilcloth13 reclothe13 unclothe13 waxcloth23 backcloth22 beclothed17 beclothes16 cerecloth16 clothiers14 clothings15 clothlike18 clotpolls13 clottered12 clottiest11 clottings12 cloturing12 cyclotron16 dishcloth18 dropcloth17 dustcloth15 enclothed15 enclothes14 facecloth19 footcloth17 forecloth17 haircloth17 headcloth18 loincloth14 longcloth15 mortcloth16 neckcloth20 oilcloths14 packcloth22 reclothed15 reclothes14 sackcloth20 sailcloth14 traycloth17 unclothed15 unclothes14 washcloth20 waxcloths24 backcloths23 beclothing18 bedclothes18 broadcloth18 cerecloths17 clothbound18 clothespin17 clottering13 clottiness12 crumbcloth21 cyclothyme25 cyclotomic21 cyclotrons17 dishcloths19 dropcloths18 dustcloths16 enclothing16 facecloths20 floorcloth18 footcloths18 forecloths18 glasscloth16 greencloth16 haircloths18 headcloths19 loincloths15 longcloths16 mortcloths17 neckcloths21 packcloths23 reclothing16 sackcloths21 sailcloths15 tablecloth17 Show more ...

How to use CLOT in a sentence

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