Cot is valid Scrabble Word

Is cot a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cot valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COT in dictionary:

Words related to COT

cote6 coted8 coting9 cots6 cott6 cotted9 cotting10

Words that contain COT

cote6 coth9 cots6 cott6 scot6 ascot7 cotan7 coted8 cotes7 coths10 cotta7 cotts7 dicot8 escot7 picot9 scots7 ascots8 chicot13 cotans8 coteau8 coting9 cotise8 cottae8 cottar8 cottas8 cotted9 cotter8 cottid9 cotton8 cottus8 cotwal11 cotyle11 cotype13 dicots9 doocot9 escots8 fricot11 mascot10 picote10 picots10 scotch13 scoter8 scotia8 succot10 tricot8 cotija15 apricot11 boycott14 chicots14 cocotte11 coteaus9 coteaux16 coterie9 cothurn12 cotidal10 cotinga10 cotised10 cotises9 cotland10 cottage10 cottars9 cotters9 cottids10 cottier9 cotting10 cottise9 cottoid10 cottons9 cottony12 cottown12 cotwals12 cotylae12 cotyles12 cotypes14 dicotyl13 doocots10 dovecot13 ecotage10 ecotone9 ecotour9 ecotype14 escoted10 fricots12 haricot12 mascots11 monocot11 mycotic16 nicotin9 picoted12 picotee11 plumcot13 polycot14 ricotta9 scoters9 scotias9 scotoma11 scotomy14 scottie9 succoth14 tricots9 cotijas16 Show more ...

How to use COT in a sentence

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