Cottas is valid Scrabble Word

Is cottas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is cottas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COTTAS in dictionary:

Words related to COTTAS

cotta7 cottae8

Words that contain COTTAS

ricottas10 terracottas13 pannacottas15

How to use COTTAS in a sentence

Similar words containing TTA without suffix s and without prefix co

attap7 attar5 batta7 betta7 cotta7 fetta8 gotta6 gutta6 lotta5 lytta8 ottar5 outta5 pitta7 sutta5 vitta8 anatta6 attach11 attack12 attain6 attaps8 attars6 attask10 battas8 bettas8 chatta11 cottae8 cottar8 dittay10 fettas9 guttae7 guttas7 lyttae9 lyttas9 ottars6 ottava9 pittas8 rattan6 rottan6 sittar6 suttas6 vittae9 mattar8 abettal9 abuttal9 anattas7 annatta7 arietta7 attaboy12 attache12 attacks13 attains7 attaint7 attasks11 attaskt11 beretta9 biretta9 buttals9 cattabu11 cattail9 cattalo9 chattas12 codetta10 cottage10 cottars9 cuttage10 dittany11 dittays11 dopatta10 dupatta10 glottal8 guttate8 mozetta18 mulatta9 ottavas10 outtake11 outtalk11 outtask11 posttax16 pottage10 quittal16 rattail7 rattans7 regatta8 ricotta9 rottans7 sagitta8 shittah13 sittars7 stretta7 vittate10 wattage11 wattape12 whittaw16 mattars9 abettals10 abuttals10 annattas8 antpitta10 ariettas8 attaboys13 Show more ...
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