Tings is valid Scrabble Word

Is tings a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tings valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TINGS in dictionary:

Words related to TINGS

ting5 tinged8 tinging9

Words that contain TINGS

stings7 actings10 antings8 bitings10 datings9 dotings9 eatings8 gatings9 kitings12 lutings8 matings10 outings8 ratings8 sitings8 votings11 baitings11 bantings11 bastings11 battings11 beatings11 beltings11 bettings11 bittings11 boatings11 boltings11 brutings11 buntings11 bustings11 cantings11 castings11 coatings11 costings11 cuttings11 dietings10 doatings10 ductings12 dustings10 eastings9 editings10 emptings13 fastings12 feltings12 fistings12 fittings12 flutings12 flytings15 footings12 gettings10 giftings13 gratings10 haltings12 hastings12 hattings12 heatings12 hintings12 hostings12 hottings12 houtings12 huntings12 hustings12 huttings12 jestings16 joltings16 jottings16 kartings13 kiltings13 lastings9 lettings9 lintings9 listings9 lootings9 maltings11 mattings11 meetings11 meltings11 mistings11 mootings11 muntings11 nestings9 nettings9 nuttings9 pantings11 partings11 pastings11 peltings11 pettings11 pittings11 platings11 postings11 poutings11 pratings11 puttings11 raftings12 rantings9 rattings9 rentings9 restings9 riotings9 rootings9 rortings9 routings9 Show more ...

How to use TINGS in a sentence

Similar words containing TING without suffix s

ting5 sting6 tinge6 acting9 anting7 apting9 bating9 beting9 biting9 citing9 coting9 dating8 diting8 doting8 eating7 fating10 feting10 gating8 hating10 heting10 kiting11 liting7 luting7 lyting10 mating9 meting9 muting9 noting7 opting9 outing7 poting9 rating7 roting7 sating7 siting7 stinge7 stingo7 stings7 stingy10 tinged8 tinges7 tingle7 tingly10 toting7 voting10 witing10 wyting13 abating10 actings10 airting8 amating10 antings8 atingle8 baiting10 banting10 basting10 batting10 bayting13 beating10 beeting10 belting10 besting10 betting10 bitings10 bitting10 blating10 boating10 bolting10 booting10 botting10 bruting10 bunting10 busting10 butting10 canting10 carting10 casting10 catting10 chuting13 coating10 colting10 costing10 cotinga10 cotting10 crating10 cutting10 danting9 darting9 datings9 dauting9 dawting12 denting9 dicting11 dieting9 dinting9 dirting9 ditting9 doating9 dorting9 dotings9 Show more ...
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