Ings is valid Scrabble Word

Is ings a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ings valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for INGS in dictionary:

Words related to INGS


Words that contain INGS

bings8 dings7 gings7 hings9 kings10 lings6 mings8 pings8 rings6 sings6 tings6 wings9 zings15 jings13 agings8 beings9 blings9 boings9 brings9 chings12 clings9 doings8 dyings11 flings10 goings8 icings9 lyings10 plings9 ruings7 slings7 stings7 suings7 swings10 things10 toings7 vyings13 wrings10 ablings10 achings13 actings10 addings10 ageings9 airings8 antings8 arcings10 armings10 askings12 audings9 awnings11 baaings10 bakings14 balings10 besings10 bidings11 bikings14 bitings10 bluings10 bodings11 bonings10 booings10 borings10 bowings13 boxings17 busings10 buyings13 cakings14 canings10 carings10 casings10 cavings13 cawings13 codings11 cokings14 comings12 cooings10 copings12 covings13 cryings13 cueings10 curings10 darings9 datings9 dicings11 dinings9 divings12 donings9 dopings11 dotings9 dozings18 dryings12 dupings11 dyeings12 earings8 easings8 eatings8 edgings10 effings14 eldings9 endings9 enrings8 errings8 Show more ...

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