Flings is valid Scrabble Word

Is flings a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is flings valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FLINGS in dictionary:

Words related to FLINGS

fling9 flinging13 flung9

Words that contain FLINGS

riflings12 upflings14 halflings16 mafflings18 outflings13 purflings15 rufflings16 stiflings13 triflings13 wafflings19 wolflings16 chieflings19 scufflings19 shufflings20 snufflings17 trufflings17 whifflings23

How to use FLINGS in a sentence

Similar words containing FLING without suffix s

fling9 flinger11 rifling11 upfling13 baffling17 coffling17 cuffling17 flingers12 flinging13 halfling15 maffling17 muffling17 outfling12 piffling17 purfling14 raffling15 riffling15 riflings12 ruffling15 siffling15 stifling12 trifling12 upflings14 waffling18 wolfling15 chiefling18 halflings16 mafflings18 outflings13 purflings15 rufflings16 scuffling18 shuffling19 skiffling20 snaffling16 snarfling13 sniffling16 snuffling16 stiflings13 triflings13 truffling16 wafflings19 whiffling22 wolflings16 bafflingly22 bemuffling21 chieflings19 gefuffling21 kefuffling24 scufflings19 shufflings20 snufflings17 stiflingly17 triflingly17 trufflings17 unmuffling19 unruffling17 upflinging17 whifflings23 carfuffling23 curfuffling23 kerfuffling25 kurfuffling25 outflinging16 reshuffling21 shufflingly24 triflingness16 triflingnesses18
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