Ante is valid Scrabble Word

Is ante a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ante valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTE in dictionary:

Words related to ANTE

anted6 anteed7 anteing8 antes5

Words that contain ANTE

anted6 antes5 zante14 anteed7 banted9 banter8 canted9 canter8 danted8 ganted8 hanted10 jantee13 kanted11 kanten10 mantel8 mantes8 panted9 panter8 ranted7 ranter6 wanted10 wanter9 zantes15 andante8 antefix17 anteing8 antenna7 banteng10 banters9 canteen9 canters9 cantest9 chanted13 chanter12 chantey15 dranted9 fanteeg11 granted9 grantee8 granter8 infante10 kantela11 kantele11 kantens11 lantern7 manteau9 manteel9 mantels9 panters9 pesante9 picante11 planted10 planter9 quanted17 ranters7 santera7 santero7 savante10 scanted10 scanter9 shantey13 slanted8 slanter7 tranted8 tranter7 volante10 wanters10 agacante11 andantes9 anteater8 antecede11 antedate9 antefixa18 antelope10 antenati8 antennae8 antennal8 antennas8 antepast10 anterior8 anteroom10 antetype13 antevert11 askanted13 atlantes8 bantengs11 bantered11 banterer10 canteens10 cantered11 chanters13 chanteys16 courante10 decanted12 decanter11 diamante11 fanteegs12 giantess9 grantees9 granters9 incanted11 Show more ...

How to use ANTE in a sentence

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