Mugs is valid Scrabble Word

Is mugs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mugs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MUGS in dictionary:

Words related to MUGS

mug6 mugged11 mugging12

Words that contain MUGS

smugs8 almugs9 mugshot13 mugshots14

How to use MUGS in a sentence

Similar words containing MUG without suffix s

mug6 mugg8 smug7 almug8 mugga9 muggs9 muggy12 smugs8 almugs9 mugful12 muggar10 muggas10 mugged11 muggee10 mugger10 muggle10 muggur10 mughal12 smugly12 mugfuls13 muggars11 muggees11 muggers11 muggier11 muggily14 mugging12 muggins11 muggish14 muggles11 muggurs11 mughals13 mugshot13 mugwort13 mugwump17 smugged12 smugger11 smuggle11 muggiest12 muggings13 mugshots14 mugworts14 mugwumps18 smuggery15 smuggest12 smugging13 smuggled13 smuggler12 smuggles12 smugness11 mugearite12 mugginess13 mugginses13 smugglers13 smuggling14 chaulmugra18 mugearites13 mugwumpery23 mugwumpish23 mugwumpism22 smuggeries14 smugglings15 smugnesses13 chaulmugras19 mugginesses15 mugwumpisms23 mugwumperies22 antismuggling18
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