Del is valid Scrabble Word

Is del a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is del valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEL in dictionary:

Words related to DEL

dels5 nabla7

Words that contain DEL

dele5 delf8 deli5 dell5 delo5 dels5 delt5 bedel8 delay9 deled7 deles6 delfs9 delft9 delis6 dells6 delly9 delos6 delph11 delta6 delts6 delve9 jodel13 kidel10 model8 wedel9 yodel9 aludel7 bedell9 bedels9 bordel9 delate7 delays10 delead8 delete7 delfts10 delice9 delict9 delime9 delink11 delish10 delist7 delope9 delphs12 deltas7 deltic9 delude8 deluge8 deluxe14 delved11 delver10 delves10 fardel10 jodels14 kidels11 models9 nudely10 rondel7 rudely10 sardel7 seidel7 wedeln10 wedels10 widely13 yodels10 adelgid10 aludels8 bedells10 bordels10 cadelle10 candela10 citadel10 crudely13 delaine8 delapse10 delated9 delates8 delator8 delayed12 delayer11 deleads9 deleave11 deleble10 deleing9 delenda9 deleted9 deletes8 delible10 delices10 delicts10 delight12 delimed11 delimes10 delimit10 delinks12 deliria8 delists8 deliver11 dellier8 dellies8 deloped11 delopes10 Show more ...

How to use DEL in a sentence

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