Delved is valid Scrabble Word

Is delved a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is delved valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DELVED in dictionary:

Words related to DELVED

delve9 delves10 delving12

How to use DELVED in a sentence

Similar words containing LV without suffix ed and without prefix de

ulva7 alvar8 calve10 delve9 elvan8 elven8 elver8 elves8 galvo9 halva11 halve11 helve11 malva10 salve8 salvo8 selva8 silva8 solve8 sylva11 ulvas8 valve11 volva11 volve11 vulva11 wolve11 molvi10 alvars9 alvine9 calved12 calver11 calves11 culver11 delver10 delves10 elvans9 elvers9 elvish12 evolve12 fulvid13 galvos10 halvah15 halvas12 halved13 halver12 halves12 helved13 helves12 kelvin13 malvas11 maulvi11 moolvi11 pelves11 pelvic13 pelvis11 pulver11 pulvil11 salved10 salver9 salves9 salvia9 salvor9 salvos9 selvas9 selves9 shelve12 shelvy15 silvae9 silvan9 silvas9 silver9 silvex16 solved10 solver9 solves9 sylvae12 sylvan12 sylvas12 sylvia12 sylvin12 twelve12 valval12 valvar12 valved13 valves12 velvet12 volvae12 volvas12 volved13 volves12 volvox19 vulvae12 vulval12 vulvar12 vulvas12 wolved13 wolver12 wolves12 absolve12 alveary13 alveole10 Show more ...
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