Deli is valid Scrabble Word

Is deli a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is deli valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DELI in dictionary:

Words related to DELI

delicatessen15 delis6

Words that contain DELI

delis6 delice9 delict9 delime9 delink11 delish10 delist7 delible10 delices10 delicts10 delight12 delimed11 delimes10 delimit10 delinks12 deliria8 delists8 deliver11 sondeli8 delibate11 delicacy16 delicate11 delights13 deliming12 delimits11 delinked14 delirium11 delisted10 delivers12 delivery15 fedelini12 fidelity15 gridelin10 jadelike20 modeling12 modelist11 sideline9 sideling10 sondelis9 tidelike13 tideline9 wedeling13 yodeling13 bandelier12 bladelike16 dandelion11 delibated13 delibates12 delicates12 delicious12 delighted15 delighter14 delimited13 delimiter12 delineate10 delinking15 deliquium21 deliriant10 delirious10 deliriums12 delisting11 delivered14 deliverer13 deliverly16 fedelinis13 fidelismo15 fidelista13 gladelike15 gradelier11 gridelins11 grindelia11 guideline11 indelible12 indelibly15 infidelic15 modelings13 modelists12 redeliver13 sidelight14 sidelined11 sideliner10 sidelines10 sidelings11 spadelike16 tidelines10 undelight14 videlicet15 yodelings14 suedelike14 bandeliers13 candelilla13 chandelier16 dandelions12 delibating14 delibation13 deliberate13 delicacies15 delicately16 deligation12 delighters15 delightful18 Show more ...

How to use DELI in a sentence

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