Leer is valid Scrabble Word

Is leer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is leer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LEER in dictionary:

Words related to LEER

leered7 leering8 leeringly13 leerings9 leers5

Words that contain LEER

fleer8 leers5 leery8 sleer5 fleers9 leered7 fleered11 fleerer10 leerier7 leerily10 leering8 cameleer12 fleerers11 fleering12 fusileer11 leeriest8 leerings9 bandoleer12 cameleers13 canceleer13 cockleert17 cymbaleer18 fleerings13 fusileers12 leeriness9 leeringly13 missileer11 pistoleer11 bandoleers13 canceleers14 cockleerts18 cymbaleers19 fleeringly17 missileers12 pistoleers12 bandoleered15 canceleered16 chanticleer18 leerinesses11 whigmaleery23 canceleering17 chanticleers19 whigmaleerie21 whigmaleeries22

How to use LEER in a sentence

Similar words containing LE without suffix er

ale3 lea3 led4 lee3 leg4 lei3 lek7 lep5 les3 let3 leu3 lev6 lew6 lex10 ley6 lez12 ole3 ule3 able6 alec6 alee4 alef7 ales4 alew7 arle4 axle11 bale6 bile6 bleb8 bled7 blee6 blet6 blew9 bley9 bole6 clef9 cleg7 clem8 clew9 cole6 dale5 dele5 dole5 dule5 eale4 file7 flea7 fled8 flee7 fleg8 flew10 flex14 fley10 fyle10 gale5 gled6 glee5 gleg6 glei5 glen5 gley8 gole5 gule5 hale7 hele7 hole7 hule7 hyle10 idle5 ilea4 ilex11 isle4 jole11 kale8 kyle11 lead5 leaf7 leak8 leal4 leam6 lean4 leap6 lear4 leas4 leat4 lech9 lede5 leed5 leek8 leep6 lees4 leet4 left7 legs5 lehr7 leir4 leis4 leke8 leks8 leku8 Show more ...
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