Ted is valid Scrabble Word

Is ted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TED in dictionary:

Words related to TED

tedded9 tedding10 teds5

Words that contain TED

sted5 teds5 tedy8 acted8 anted6 apted8 bated8 beted8 cited8 coted8 dated7 dited7 doted7 fated9 feted9 gated7 hated9 kited10 lated6 lited6 luted6 lyted9 mated8 meted8 moted8 muted8 noted6 opted8 outed6 pated8 poted8 rated6 roted6 sated6 sited6 stedd7 stede6 steds6 teddy10 toted6 voted9 wited9 wyted12 abated9 airted7 alated7 amated9 azoted16 baited9 banted9 basted9 batted9 bayted12 beeted9 belted9 bested9 betted9 bitted9 blated9 boated9 bolted9 booted9 botted9 bruted9 bunted9 busted9 butted9 canted9 carted9 casted9 catted9 chuted12 cisted9 coated9 colted9 costed9 cotted9 crated9 danted8 darted8 dauted8 dawted11 debted10 dented8 dicted10 dieted8 dinted8 dirted8 ditted8 doated8 doited8 dorted8 dotted8 douted8 ducted10 dueted8 dunted8 dusted8 easted7 edited8 elated7 Show more ...

How to use TED in a sentence

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