Lep is valid Scrabble Word

Is lep a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lep valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for LEP in dictionary:

Words related to LEP

leap6 lepped11 lepping12 leps6 lept6

Words that contain LEP

leps6 lept6 aleph10 clepe9 clept9 julep14 kelep11 leper7 lepid8 lepra7 lepta7 salep7 shlep10 slept7 alephs11 cleped11 clepes10 juleps15 keleps12 klepht15 klepto12 lepers8 lepped11 lepras8 leptin8 lepton8 saleps8 schlep13 shlepp13 shleps11 yclept13 acaleph14 alepine9 cleping12 klephts16 kleptos13 leporid10 lepping12 leprose9 leprosy12 leprous9 leptins9 leptome11 leptons9 schlepp16 schleps14 shlepps14 shleppy17 telepic11 ycleped15 acalephe15 acalephs15 alepines10 anableps12 anglepod12 elephant13 epilepsy15 klephtic19 lepidote11 leporids11 leporine10 leprotic12 leptomes12 leptonic12 milepost12 milleped13 outslept10 scalepan12 schlepps17 schleppy20 shlepped16 shlepper15 telepath13 telepics12 teleplay13 teleport10 tholepin13 roleplay13 acalephae16 acalephan16 acalephes16 analeptic13 anglepods13 asclepiad14 asclepias13 candlepin14 catalepsy16 clepsydra17 cyclepath21 elephants14 epileptic15 klephtism20 lepidotes12 leporidae12 leprosery14 leprosies11 leprosity14 leprously14 leptophos16 leptosome13 leptotene11 Show more ...
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