Whiter is valid Scrabble Word

Is whiter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is whiter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WHITER in dictionary:

Words related to WHITER

white11 whitest13

How to use WHITER in a sentence

Similar words containing WHIT without suffix er

whit10 white11 whits11 whity14 tewhit12 whited13 whiten12 whites12 whitey15 tewhits13 unwhite13 whitely16 whitens13 whitest13 whiteys16 whither16 whitier13 whities13 whiting14 whitish16 whitlow16 whitret13 whittaw16 whitter13 whittle13 bobwhite18 nonwhite14 whitecap18 whitefly20 whitened15 whitener14 whiteout14 whitepot16 whithers17 whitiest14 whitings15 whitling15 whitlows17 whitrack20 whitrets14 whitrick20 whitster14 whittaws17 whitters14 whittled15 whittler14 whittles14 whittret14 antiwhite15 bobwhites19 lintwhite15 nonwhites15 nowhither18 whitebait17 whitebass17 whitebeam19 whitecaps19 whitecoat17 whitecomb21 whitedamp20 whiteface20 whitefish21 whitehead19 whitelist15 whiteners15 whiteness15 whitening16 whiteouts15 whitepots17 whitetail15 whitewall18 whiteware18 whitewash21 whitewing19 whitewood19 whithered19 whitlings16 whitracks21 whitricks21 whitsters15 whittawer18 whittered16 whittlers15 whittling16 whittrets15 anywhither22 lintwhites16 whitebaits18 whitebeams20 whitebeard19 whiteboard19 whitecoats18 whitecombs22 whitedamps21 whitefaces21 whiteflies19 whiteheads20 whitelists16 whitenings17 whitesmith21 whitetails16 whitethorn19 whitewalls19 whitewares19 whitewater19 whitewings20 whitewoods20 whiteywood23 whithering20 whittawers19 whitterick22 whittering17 whittlings17 paperwhite20 elsewhither20 somewhither22 whitebasses19 whitebeards20 whiteboards20 whiteboyism24 whitefishes23 whitelisted18 whitenesses17 whitesmiths22 whitethorns20 whitethroat20 whitewashed24 whitewasher23 whitewashes23 whiteywoods24 whitherward24 whitishness20 whitleather20 whittericks23 paperwhites21 whitewaters20 everywhither27 whiteboyisms25 whitelisting19 whitethroats21 whitewashers24 whitewashing25 whitherwards25 whitleathers21 whitewashings26 whithersoever25 whitishnesses22
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