Turn is valid Scrabble Word

Is turn a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is turn valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TURN in dictionary:

Words related to TURN

gruppetto14 tirl4 turnable10 turned7 turning8 turns5 vire7

Words that contain TURN

turns5 turnt5 inturn6 return6 turned7 turner6 turnip8 turnon6 turnup8 unturn6 upturn8 inturns7 lecturn9 nocturn9 outturn7 returns7 sturnus7 turndun8 turners7 turnery10 turning8 turnips9 turnipy12 turnkey14 turnoff13 turnons7 turnout7 turnups9 unturns7 upturns9 vulturn10 coturnix17 downturn12 inturned9 lecturns10 nocturne10 nocturns10 notturni8 notturno8 outturns8 overturn11 returned9 returnee8 returner8 returnik12 saturnic10 sturnine8 sturnoid9 taciturn10 turnable10 turnback16 turncoat10 turncock16 turndown12 turnduns9 turnhall11 turnings9 turniped11 turnkeys15 turnoffs14 turnouts8 turnover11 turnpike14 turnskin12 turnsole8 turnspit10 unturned9 upturned11 vulturns11 diuturnal10 downturns13 handsturn13 nocturnal11 nocturnes11 nonreturn9 overturns12 prereturn11 returnees9 returners9 returniks13 returning10 saturniid10 saturnine9 saturnism11 saturnist9 sturnuses9 turnabout11 turnagain10 turnbacks17 turncoats11 turncocks17 turndowns13 turneries9 turnhalls12 turniping12 turnovers12 turnpikes15 turnround10 turnskins13 turnsoles9 turnspits11 turnstile9 turnstone9 turntable11 unturning10 upturning12 turnipier11 coturnixes19 diuturnity14 downturned15 handsturns14 nocturnals12 overturned14 overturner13 returnable12 returnless10 saturnalia10 saturniids11 saturnisms12 saturnists10 taciturnly15 turnabouts12 turnagains11 turnaround11 turnbroach17 turnbuckle18 turnrounds11 turnstiles10 turnstones10 turntables12 turnverein13 unreturned11 unturnable12 upturnings13 turnipiest12 nocturnally16 overturners14 overturning15 returnables13 saturnalian11 saturnalias11 saturninely14 saturninity14 taciturnity16 turnarounds12 turnbuckles19 turntablist13 turnvereins14 unreturning12 diuturnities13 nocturnality17 turnbroaches19 turntablists14 unreturnable14 nonreturnable15 returnability18 saturnalianly16 saturninities13 taciturnities15 unreturningly17 unreturnables15 nocturnalities16 nonreturnables16 returnabilities17

How to use TURN in a sentence

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