Tory is valid Scrabble Word

Is tory a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tory valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TORY in dictionary:

Words related to TORY


Words that contain TORY

story8 motory11 amatory12 castory12 factory15 history13 olitory10 oratory10 rectory12 victory15 additory13 aleatory11 auditory12 citatory13 curatory13 deletory12 dilatory12 donatory12 emictory15 enactory13 feretory14 filatory14 fumatory16 fumitory16 gyratory15 herstory14 juratory18 lavatory14 libatory13 locutory13 midstory14 minatory13 monitory13 moratory13 mutatory13 natatory11 negatory12 nonstory11 nugatory12 oblatory13 petitory13 potatory13 punitory13 rogatory12 rotatory11 sanatory11 storying12 sudatory12 vanitory14 vexatory21 vomitory16 adulatory13 antistory12 assertory12 backstory20 crematory16 culpatory16 cursitory14 damnatory15 deceptory17 decretory15 dejectory22 depletory15 desultory13 deviatory16 dictatory15 directory15 dogmatory16 dormitory15 educatory15 elevatory15 elocutory14 emanatory14 emunctory16 evocatory17 excretory21 executory21 expiatory21 expletory21 feudatory16 gestatory13 gradatory14 gustatory13 hortatory15 incretory14 inventory15 laudatory13 libratory14 mandatory15 mediatory15 migratory15 narratory12 offertory18 olfactory17 overstory15 ovulatory15 palpatory16 pellitory14 phonatory17 piscatory16 placatory16 Show more ...

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