Ebb is valid Scrabble Word

Is ebb a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ebb valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EBB in dictionary:

Words related to EBB

ebbed10 ebbing11 ebbless11 ebbs8

Words that contain EBB

ebbs8 debby13 ebbed10 ebbet9 rebbe9 webby15 blebby15 ebbets10 ebbing11 kebbed15 kebbie14 lebbek14 nebbed11 nebbuk14 pebble12 pebbly15 plebby15 rebbes10 snebbe10 tebbad11 webbed14 webbie13 debbier12 debbies12 ebbless11 kebbies15 kebbing16 kebbock21 kebbuck21 lebbeks15 nebbich16 nebbing12 nebbish14 nebbuks15 pebbled14 pebbles13 snebbed12 snebbes11 tebbads12 webbier14 webbies14 webbing15 ebbtide12 blebbier14 blebbing15 cobwebby22 debbiest13 kebbocks22 kebbucks22 nebbichs17 nebbishe15 nebbishy18 pebblier14 pebbling15 plebbier14 snebbing13 unwebbed16 webbiest15 webbings16 ebbtides13 blebbiest15 blebbings16 cobwebbed21 nebbisher16 nebbishes16 pebbliest15 pebblings16 plebbiest15 rebbetzin22 trebbiano13 cobwebbery24 cobwebbier21 cobwebbing22 nebbishers17 pebbledash20 rebbetzins23 trebbianos14 nebbishier17 cobwebbiest22 pebbleweave23 nebbishiest18 cobwebberies23 pebbledashed23 pebbledashes22 pebbleweaves24 pebbledashing24

How to use EBB in a sentence

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