Ration is valid Scrabble Word

Is ration a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ration valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RATION in dictionary:

Words related to RATION

rationed9 rationing10 rations7

Words that contain RATION

oration7 rations7 aeration8 curation10 deration9 duration9 gyration12 orations8 rational8 rationed9 adoration10 aerations9 curations11 derations10 durations10 epuration11 exaration16 exoration16 gyrations13 hydration16 iteration9 latration9 libration11 migration12 narration9 neuration9 nitration9 operation11 proration11 rationale9 rationals9 rationing10 serration9 spiration11 titration9 vibration14 aberration12 abjuration19 acieration12 adjuration18 admiration13 adorations11 alteration10 aspiration12 cameration14 castration12 cineration12 coloration12 cribration14 deaeration11 decoration13 deliration11 depuration13 derationed12 durational11 emigration13 enarration10 epurations12 exarations17 execration19 exorations17 expiration19 federation14 figuration14 filtration13 generation11 gyrational14 hydrations17 ignoration11 induration11 irrational10 iterations10 laceration12 latrations10 leviration13 liberation12 librations12 literation10 lustration10 maceration14 maturation12 migrations13 moderation13 narrations10 neurations10 nitrations10 numeration12 obduration13 objuration19 obturation12 operations12 pejoration19 peroration12 prorations12 rationales10 rationally13 rationings11 reparation12 saturation10 separation12 serrations10 Show more ...

How to use RATION in a sentence

Similar words containing RA without suffix tion

bra5 era3 fra6 ora3 rad4 rag4 rah6 rai3 raj10 ram5 ran3 rap5 ras3 rat3 rav6 raw6 rax10 ray6 tra3 arak8 arar4 aura4 bora6 brad7 brae6 brag7 brak10 bran6 brap8 bras6 brat6 braw9 bray9 bura6 crab8 crag7 cram8 cran6 crap8 craw9 cray9 drab7 drac7 drad6 drag6 dram7 drap7 drat5 draw8 dray8 dura5 eras4 eyra7 fora7 frab9 frae7 frag8 frap9 fras7 frat7 frau7 fray10 gora5 grab7 grad6 gram7 gran5 grat5 grav8 gray8 hora7 jura11 kara8 kora8 krab10 krai8 kray11 lira4 lyra7 mara6 mora6 mura6 okra8 orad5 oral4 orra4 para6 prad7 pram8 prao6 prat6 prau6 pray9 rabi6 raca6 race6 rach9 rack10 racy9 rade5 Show more ...
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