Diving is valid Scrabble Word

Is diving a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is diving valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIVING in dictionary:

Words related to DIVING

dive8 dived10 dives9 divings12 dove8

Words that contain DIVING

divings12 updiving15 skydiving21 freediving18 nosediving15 skydivings22 freedivings19

How to use DIVING in a sentence

Similar words containing DIV without suffix ing

div7 diva8 dive8 divi8 divo8 divs8 divan9 divas9 dived10 diver9 dives9 divis9 divna9 divos9 divot9 divvy15 divey12 divans10 divers10 divert10 divest10 divide11 divied11 divine10 divots10 endive10 updive12 divisi10 diverge12 diverse11 diverts11 divests11 divided13 divider12 divides12 divined12 diviner11 divines11 divings12 divisim13 divisor11 divorce13 divulge12 divulse11 divvied15 divvier14 divvies14 divying15 endives11 khediva18 khedive18 medivac15 predive13 skydive18 tardive11 updived14 updives13 divagate13 divalent12 divebomb18 diverged14 diverges13 diversed13 diverses12 diversly15 diverted13 diverter12 divested13 dividant13 dividend14 dividers13 dividing14 dividivi16 dividual13 divinely15 diviners12 divinest12 divinify18 divining13 divinise12 divinity15 divinize21 division12 divisive15 divisors12 divorced15 divorcee14 divorcer14 divorces14 divulged14 divulger13 divulges13 divulsed13 divulses12 divviest15 divvying19 khedival19 khedivas19 khedives19 medivacs16 Show more ...
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