Diving is valid Scrabble Word

Is diving a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is diving valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DIVING in dictionary:

Words related to DIVING

dive8 dived10 dives9 divings12 dove8

Words that contain DIVING

divings12 updiving15 skydiving21 freediving18 nosediving15 skydivings22 freedivings19

How to use DIVING in a sentence

Similar words containing DIV without suffix ing

div7 diva8 dive8 divi8 divo8 divs8 divan9 divas9 dived10 diver9 dives9 divis9 divna9 divos9 divot9 divvy15 divey12 divans10 divers10 divert10 divest10 divide11 divied11 divine10 divots10 endive10 updive12 divisi10 diverge12 diverse11 diverts11 divests11 divided13 divider12 divides12 divined12 diviner11 divines11 divings12 divisim13 divisor11 divorce13 divulge12 divulse11 divvied15 divvier14 divvies14 divying15 endives11 khediva18 khedive18 medivac15 predive13 skydive18 tardive11 updived14 updives13 divagate13 divalent12 divebomb18 diverged14 diverges13 diversed13 diverses12 diversly15 diverted13 diverter12 divested13 dividant13 dividend14 dividers13 dividing14 dividivi16 dividual13 divinely15 diviners12 divinest12 divinify18 divining13 divinise12 divinity15 divinize21 division12 divisive15 divisors12 divorced15 divorcee14 divorcer14 divorces14 divulged14 divulger13 divulges13 divulsed13 divulses12 divviest15 divvying19 khedival19 khedivas19 khedives19 medivacs16 nosedive12 postdive14 redivide13 sandiver12 skydived20 skydiver19 skydives19 tidivate12 undivine12 updiving15 divagated15 divagates14 divalence15 divalency18 divalents13 divebombs19 divellent13 divergent14 diverging15 diversely16 diversify19 diversing14 diversion13 diversity16 diverters13 diverting14 divertive16 divesting14 divesture13 dividable16 dividedly18 dividends15 dividings15 dividivis17 dividuous14 divinable15 divinator13 divinised14 divinises13 divinized23 divinizes22 divisible15 divisibly18 divisions13 divorcees15 divorcers15 divorcing16 divorcive18 divulgate14 divulgers14 divulging15 divulsing14 divulsion13 divulsive16 freediver16 gerundive14 helldiver16 individua14 khedivate20 khedivial20 medivaced18 misdivide16 nosedived14 nosedives13 redivided15 redivides14 redivivus16 redivorce15 sandivers13 skydivers20 skydiving21 subdivide16 tidivated14 tidivates13 undivided15 biodiverse16 divagating16 divagation15 divalences16 divaricate16 divebombed21 divergence17 divergency20 diversions14 divertible16 divestible16 divestment16 divestures14 divination14 divinators14 divinatory17 divineness14 divineress14 divinified18 divinifies17 divinising15 divinities14 divinizing24 divisional14 divisively20 divulgated16 divulgater15 divulgates15 divulgator15 divulgence17 divulsions14 freedivers17 freediving18 gerundival15 gerundives15 helldivers17 individual15 individuum17 khedivates21 khediviate21 medivacing19 medivacked23 misdivided18 misdivides17 nosediving15 recidivism18 recidivist16 recidivous16 redividing16 redivision14 redivorced17 redivorces16 semidivine16 skydivings22 subdivided18 subdivider17 subdivides17 tidivating15 tidivation14 undiverted15 undivested15 undivorced17 undivulged16 divemaster16 divagations16 divalencies17 divaricated18 divaricates17 divaricator17 divebombing22 divellicate17 divergement18 divergences18 divergently19 divergingly20 diverseness15 diversified19 diversifier18 diversifies18 diversiform20 diversional15 diversities15 diverticula17 divertingly19 divestiture15 divestments17 dividedness17 divinations15 divinifying22 divisionary18 divisionism17 divisionist15 divorceable19 divorcement19 divulgaters16 divulgating17 divulgation16 divulgators16 divulgement18 divulgences18 freedivings19 gerundively19 incendivity20 individable18 individuals16 individuate16 indivisible17 indivisibly20 khediviates22 medivacking24 merdivorous17 misdividing19 misdivision17 nondividing17 postdivorce19 recidivisms19 recidivists17 redivisions15 redivorcing18 subdividers18 subdividing19 subdivision17 subdivisive20 tidivations15 undiverting16
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