Stops is valid Scrabble Word

Is stops a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is stops valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STOPS in dictionary:

Words related to STOPS

stop6 stopped12 stopping13 stopt7

Words that contain STOPS

estops8 postops11 unstops9 airstops10 misstops12 nonstops10 ripstops12 backstops19 doorstops12 helistops14 reedstops12 shortstops15 truckstops18 checkstops23

How to use STOPS in a sentence

Similar words containing STOP without suffix s

stop6 estop7 stope7 stopt7 estops8 postop10 stoped9 stoper8 stopes8 unstop8 airstop9 misstop11 nonstop9 postops11 ripstop11 stopers9 stopgap12 stoping10 stopoff15 stopped12 stopper11 stopple11 unstops9 airstops10 backstop18 doorstop11 dystopia14 estopped13 estoppel12 helistop13 misstops12 nonstops10 reedstop11 ripstops12 stopband13 stopbank16 stopcock18 stopgaps13 stopings11 stopless10 stopoffs16 stopover13 stoppage13 stoppers12 stopping13 stoppled13 stopples12 stopword14 backstops19 blastopor13 doorstops12 dystopian15 dystopias15 estoppage14 estoppels13 estopping14 helistops14 mastopexy23 reedstops12 shortstop14 stopbands14 stopbanks17 stopcocks19 stoplight15 stopovers14 stoppable15 stoppages14 stoppered14 stoppings14 stoppling14 stopwatch19 stopwords15 truckstop17 unstopped14 unstopper13 checkstop22 blastopore14 blastopors14 dystopians16 estoppages15 gobstopper17 misstopped17 nostopathy18 shortstops15 spellstopt14 stoplights16 stoppering15 truckstops18 unstoppers14 unstopping15 checkstops23 backstopped24 blastoporal15 blastopores15 blastoporic17 gobstoppers18 mastopexies22 misstopping18 showstopper21 stopwatches21 unstoppable17 unstoppably20 unstoppered16 backstopping25 christophany25 ergastoplasm17 nostopathies17 showstoppers22 showstopping23 unstoppering17 christophene22 christophine22 ergastoplasms18 postoperative20 christophenes23 christophines23 christophanies24 ergastoplasmic21 histopathology26 histoplasmoses21 histoplasmosis21 histopathologic26 histophysiology30 postoperatively25 histopathologie24 histopathologis24 histophysiologi27 histoplasmosise22 histopathologies25 histopathologist25 histophysiologic30 histoplasmosises23 histopathologists26 histophysiologies29 histopathological28 histophysiological32 histopathologically33
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