Operating is valid Scrabble Word

Is operating a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is operating valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OPERATING in dictionary:

Words related to OPERATING

operate9 operated11 operates10

Words that contain OPERATING

cooperating16 reoperating14 nonoperating15 overoperating19 interoperating17

How to use OPERATING in a sentence

Similar words containing OPERAT without suffix ing

operate9 operated11 operates10 operatic12 operator10 cooperate13 operatics13 operation11 operatise11 operative14 operatize20 operators11 reoperate11 cooperated15 cooperates14 cooperator14 operations12 operatised13 operatises12 operatives15 operatized22 operatizes21 reoperated13 reoperates12 cooperating16 cooperation15 cooperative18 cooperators15 inoperative16 nonoperatic15 operational13 operatising14 operatively19 operativity19 operatizing23 overoperate16 reoperating14 reoperation13 unoperative16 cooperations16 cooperatives19 disoperation15 nonoperating15 nonoperative17 operatically19 operationism16 operationist14 operatorless14 overoperated18 overoperates17 preoperative19 reoperations14 interoperate14 cooperatively23 cooperativity23 disoperations16 noncooperator17 operationally18 operationisms17 operationists15 operativeness18 operativities18 overoperating19 postoperative20 uncooperative20 interoperated16 interoperates15 perioperative20 cooperationist18 interoperative19 noncooperation18 noncooperative21 noncooperators18 nonoperational16 operationalism18 operationalist16 preoperational18 preoperatively24 interoperating17 cooperationists19 cooperativeness22 cooperativities22 inoperativeness20 noncooperations19 operationalisms19 operationalists17 operativenesses20 postoperatively25 uncooperatively25 noncooperatives22 interoperatives20 noncooperationi19 operationalisti17 operationalistic20 cooperativenesses24 noncooperationist21 inoperativenesses22 noncooperationists22
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