Scratch is valid Scrabble Word

Is scratch a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is scratch valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SCRATCH in dictionary:

Words related to SCRATCH

scrab9 scrat7 scratched17 scratches16 scratchier17 scratchiest18 scratchily20 scratchiness19 scratching18 scratchless18 scratchy18

Words that contain SCRATCH

scratchy18 scratched17 scratcher16 scratches16 scratchie16 scratchers17 scratchier17 scratchies17 scratchily20 scratching18 backscratch26 scratchback26 scratchcard21 scratchiest18 scratchings19 scratchless18 unscratched19 scratchbacks27 scratchboard22 scratchbuild22 scratchbuilt21 scratchcards22 scratchiness19 scratchingly23 scratchplate21 backscratched29 backscratcher28 backscratches28 scratchboards23 scratchbuilds23 scratchplates22 backscratchers29 backscratching30 scratchbuilder24 scratchinesses21 backscratchings31 scratchbuilders25 scratchbuilding26

How to use SCRATCH in a sentence

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