Lip is valid Scrabble Word

Is lip a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lip valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIP in dictionary:

Words related to LIP

lipless9 liplike13 lipped11 lipping12 lippings13 lips6

Words that contain LIP

blip8 clip8 flip9 lipa6 lipe6 lipo6 lips6 slip6 blips9 clipe9 clips9 clipt9 flips10 lipas7 lipes7 lipid8 lipin7 lipos7 lippy12 oxlip14 slipe7 slips7 slipt7 tulip7 aliped9 caliph13 cliped11 clipes10 fillip11 flippy16 illipe8 inclip10 kaliph15 lipase8 lipide9 lipids9 lipins8 lipoic10 lipoid9 lipoma10 lipped11 lippen10 lipper10 lippie10 oxlips15 oxslip15 riflip11 sliped9 slipes8 slippy13 slipup10 tulips8 unclip10 alipeds10 blipped14 calipee11 caliper11 caliphs14 circlip13 clipart11 cliping12 clipped14 clipper13 clippie13 cowslip14 eclipse11 ellipse9 fillips12 flipped15 flipper14 galipot10 gemclip14 gymslip15 harelip12 helipad13 illipes9 inclips11 kaliphs16 klipdas14 lipases9 lipemia11 lipides10 lipidic12 lipless9 liplike13 lipoids10 lipomas11 lippens11 lippers11 lippier11 lippies11 lipping12 lipread10 lipuria9 nonslip9 oxslips16 payslip14 riflips12 seedlip10 sliping10 slipout9 Show more ...

How to use LIP in a sentence

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