Lip is valid Scrabble Word

Is lip a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lip valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIP in dictionary:

Words related to LIP

lipless9 liplike13 lipped11 lipping12 lippings13 lips6

Words that contain LIP

blip8 clip8 flip9 lipa6 lipe6 lipo6 lips6 slip6 blips9 clipe9 clips9 clipt9 flips10 lipas7 lipes7 lipid8 lipin7 lipos7 lippy12 oxlip14 slipe7 slips7 slipt7 tulip7 aliped9 caliph13 cliped11 clipes10 fillip11 flippy16 illipe8 inclip10 kaliph15 lipase8 lipide9 lipids9 lipins8 lipoic10 lipoid9 lipoma10 lipped11 lippen10 lipper10 lippie10 oxlips15 oxslip15 riflip11 sliped9 slipes8 slippy13 slipup10 tulips8 unclip10 alipeds10 blipped14 calipee11 caliper11 caliphs14 circlip13 clipart11 cliping12 clipped14 clipper13 clippie13 cowslip14 eclipse11 ellipse9 fillips12 flipped15 flipper14 galipot10 gemclip14 gymslip15 harelip12 helipad13 illipes9 inclips11 kaliphs16 klipdas14 lipases9 lipemia11 lipides10 lipidic12 lipless9 liplike13 lipoids10 lipomas11 lippens11 lippers11 lippier11 lippies11 lipping12 lipread10 lipuria9 nonslip9 oxslips16 payslip14 riflips12 seedlip10 sliping10 slipout9 slipped12 slipper11 slipups11 slipway15 soliped10 talipat9 taliped10 talipes9 talipot9 toeclip11 unclips11 unclipt11 antislip10 backflip21 blipping15 blipvert15 calipash15 calipees12 calipers12 caliphal15 callipee12 calliper12 cheliped16 circlips14 cliparts12 clippers14 clippies14 clipping15 cowslips15 eclipsed13 eclipser12 eclipses12 eclipsis12 ecliptic14 ellipses10 ellipsis10 elliptic12 eolipile10 filliped14 flipbook19 flipflop18 flippant15 flippers15 flippest15 flippier15 flipping16 flipside14 galipots11 gallipot11 gemclips15 gymslips16 harelips13 helipads14 heliport13 kickflip23 kingklip19 landslip11 lilliput10 lipaemia12 liparite10 lipemias12 lipgloss11 lipliner10 lipocyte15 lipogram13 lipoidal11 lipomata12 liposome12 liposuck16 lippened13 lippered13 lippiest12 lippings13 lipreads11 lipsalve13 lipstick16 lipurias10 lollipop12 milliped13 newsclip15 oliphant13 overslip13 payslips15 playslip15 seedlips11 sideslip11 slipcase12 slipform15 slipknot14 slipless10 slipouts10 slipover13 slippage13 slippers12 slippery15 slippier12 slippily15 slipping13 sliprail10 slipshod14 slipslop12 slipsole10 slipware13 slipways16 snowslip13 solipeds11 sweetlip13 talipats10 talipeds11 talipots10 thlipses13 thlipsis13 toeclips12 tulipant10 underlip11 vilipend14 aeolipile11 aeolipyle14 aliphatic16 backflips22 blipverts16 calipered14 caliphate16 callipash16 callipees13 callipers13 chelipeds17 clipboard16 clippable17 clippings16 clipshear16 clipsheet16 coliphage17 coverslip16 eclipsers13 eclipsing14 ecliptics15 ellipsoid12 eolipiles11 fillipeen14 filliping15 flipboard17 flipbooks20 flipchart19 flipflops19 flippancy21 flippiest16 flippings17 flipsides15 gallipots12 helipilot14 heliports14 inclipped16 kaliphate18 kickflips24 kingklips20 klipdases16 landslips12 lilliputs11 lipaemias13 liparites11 lipectomy18 lipliners11 lipocytes16 lipograms14 lipolitic13 lipolyses14 lipolysis14 lipolytic16 lipoplast13 liposomal13 liposomes13 liposucks17 lipotropy16 lippening14 lippering14 lippiness13 lippitude14 lipreader12 lipsalves14 lipsticks17 lollipops13 millipede14 millipeds14 mislippen15 newsclips16 nullipara11 nullipore11 oliphants14 overslips14 overslipt14 paperclip17 philippic20 playslips16 sideslips12 slipcased14 slipcases13 slipcover16 slipdress12

How to use LIP in a sentence

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