Jaw is valid Scrabble Word

Is jaw a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is jaw valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for JAW in dictionary:

Words related to JAW

chaft13 jawed16 jawing17 jawings18 jawless17 jawlike21 jaws14

Words that contain JAW

jaws14 jawan15 jawed16 jawans16 jawari16 jawbox25 jawing17 jawaris17 jawbone19 jawfall20 jawhole20 jawings18 jawless17 jawlike21 jawline17 kajawah24 lockjaw23 crackjaw26 jawboned21 jawboner20 jawbones20 jawboxes27 jawfalls21 jawholes21 jawlines18 kajawahs25 lockjaws24 stickjaw24 underjaw19 crackjaws27 jawbation21 jawboners21 jawboning22 stickjaws25 underjaws20 jawbations22 jawbonings23 jawbreaker26 jawcrusher25 underjawed22 jawbreakers27 jawbreaking28 jawcrushers26 jawbreakings29 jawbreakingly33 jawdroppingly32

How to use JAW in a sentence

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