Lin is valid Scrabble Word

Is lin a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lin valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LIN in dictionary:

Words related to LIN

cease7 linned7 linning8 lins4

Words that contain LIN

blin6 lind5 line4 ling5 link8 linn4 lino4 lins4 lint4 liny7 aline5 blind8 bling8 blini7 blink11 blins7 bliny10 cline7 cling8 clink11 clint7 colin7 elint5 fling9 flint8 glint6 kylin12 linac7 linch10 linds6 lindy9 lined6 linen5 liner5 lines5 liney8 linga6 lingo6 lings6 lingy9 linin5 links9 linky12 linns5 linny8 linos5 lints5 linty8 linum7 linux12 pling8 plink11 sling6 slink9 abling9 ablins8 ailing7 alined7 aliner6 alines6 anilin6 arling7 baling9 berlin8 biling9 blinds9 blings9 blingy12 blinis8 blinks12 blintz17 boline8 byline11 caplin10 carlin8 catlin8 clinal8 clinch13 clines8 clings9 clingy12 clinic10 clinks12 clints8 codlin9 colins8 cyclin13 cymlin13 delink11 dolina7 doline7 doling8 dualin7 dunlin7 ealing7 elints6 enlink10 feline9 filing10 flinch14 flings10 Show more ...

How to use LIN in a sentence

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