Aline is valid Scrabble Word

Is aline a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is aline valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ALINE in dictionary:

Words related to ALINE

align6 alined7 alinement11 alinements12 aliner6 aliners7 alines6 alining8

Words that contain ALINE

alined7 aliner6 alines6 maline8 saline6 valine9 aliners7 hyaline13 malines9 opaline9 praline9 salines7 sealine7 valines10 alkaline12 bubaline12 hyalines14 opalines10 petaline10 pralines10 sealines8 sepaline10 alinement11 bengaline12 crotaline11 formaline14 harmaline14 mealiness11 mescaline13 messaline11 mezcaline22 nonsaline9 percaline13 scaliness11 silkaline13 adrenaline11 alineation10 alinements12 amygdaline17 bengalines13 cloacaline14 corydaline16 euryhaline16 formalines15 glyoxaline21 harmalines15 mescalines14 messalines12 mezcalines23 percalines14 shoaliness13 silkalines14 tourmaline12 nonsalines10 sertraline10 adrenalines12 alineations11 antalkaline15 corydalines17 encephaline18 enkephaline20 glyoxalines22 hypersaline19 mealinesses13 naphthaline19 scalinesses13 stenohaline14 tourmalines13 sertralines11 terbutaline13 antalkalines16 encephalines19 enkephalines21 isoprenaline14 naphthalines20 shoalinesses15 thermohaline20 terbutalines14 isoprenalines15 noradrenaline14 noradrenalines15

How to use ALINE in a sentence

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