Lints is valid Scrabble Word

Is lints a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lints valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LINTS in dictionary:

Words related to LINTS

lint4 linted7 linting8

Words that contain LINTS

clints8 elints6 flints9 glints7 splints9 lintseed9 gunflints13 lintseeds10 lintstock15 lintstocks16 skinflints17 shinsplints16

Similar words containing LINT without suffix s

lint4 clint7 elint5 flint8 glint6 linty8 blintz17 clints8 elints6 flints9 flinty12 glints7 glinty10 linted7 lintel6 linter6 lintie6 lintol6 plinth11 splint8 blintze18 flinted11 glinted9 lintels7 linters7 lintier7 linties7 linting8 lintols7 plinths12 slinter7 splints9 blintzes19 flintier11 flintify17 flintily14 flinting12 glintier9 glinting10 gunflint12 linteled9 lintiest8 lintings9 lintless8 lintseed9 slinters8 splinted11 splinter10 clintonia11 flinthead16 flintiest12 flintlike16 flintlock18 glintiest10 gunflints13 lintelled10 lintseeds10 lintstock15 lintwhite15 skinflint16 splinters11 splintery14 splinting12 clintonias12 flintheads17 flintified17 flintifies16 flintiness13 flintlocks19 lintstocks16 lintwhites16 skinflints17 skinflinty20 splintered13 splintlike16 splintwood16 flintifying21 halleflinta17 shinsplints16 splinterier13 splintering14 splintwoods17 flintinesses15 halleflintas18 splinteriest14 skinflintier19 skinflintiest20 unsplinterable18
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