Coursing is valid Scrabble Word

Is coursing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is coursing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COURSING in dictionary:

Words related to COURSING

course8 coursed10 courses9 coursings12

Words that contain COURSING

coursings12 scoursing12 recoursing13 discoursing15

How to use COURSING in a sentence

Similar words containing URS without suffix ing and without prefix co

burs6 curs6 furs7 gurs5 lurs4 nurs4 ours4 purs6 ursa4 turs4 baurs7 blurs7 bursa7 burse7 burst7 cours7 curse7 cursi7 curst7 daurs6 durst6 fours8 gaurs6 gursh9 hours8 hurst8 jours12 knurs9 lours5 nurse5 pours7 purse7 pursy10 qursh17 scurs7 slurs5 smurs7 sours5 spurs7 tours5 ursae5 ursid6 urson5 waurs8 wurst8 yours8 aburst8 amours8 augurs7 bourse8 bursae8 bursal8 bursar8 bursas8 burses8 bursts8 bursty11 clours8 course8 cursal8 cursed9 curser8 curses8 cursor8 cursus8 deburs9 demurs9 femurs11 fleurs9 flours9 geburs9 glaurs7 hursts9 incurs8 knaurs10 lemurs8 mohurs11 nursed7 nurser6 nurses6 nursle6 occurs10 odours7 pursed9 purser8 purses8 pursew11 pursue8 recurs8 regurs7 scaurs8 scours8 sieurs6 sohurs9 sourse6 stours6 suhurs9 ursids7 ursine6 ursons6 waurst9 whaurs12 wursts9 nursie6 abiturs9 accurse11 accurst11 arbours9 ardours8 armours9 auteurs7 becurse11 becurst11 bitturs9 bourses9 boursin9 bulgurs10 bursars9 bursary12 bursate9 burseed10 bursera9 bursted10 bursten9 burster9 colours9 concurs11 coursed10 courser9 courses9 craturs9 cursers9 cursing10 cursive12 cursors9 cursory12 detours8 devours11 diseurs8 dolours8 dyvours14 excurse16 fadeurs11 favours13 fourses10 fureurs10 furfurs13 giaours8 gurshes11 honours10 humours12 imburse11 inburst9 inpours9 kulturs11 kunkurs15 kursaal11 labours9 langurs8 muggurs11 murmurs11 noursle7 nursers7 nursery10 nursing8 nursled8 nursles7 ourself10 poseurs9 poursew12 poursue9 pudeurs10 pursers9 pursews12 pursier9 pursily12 pursing10 pursual9 pursued10 pursuer9 pursues9 pursuit9 qurshes19 repours9 retours7 reveurs10 rigours8 rumours9 samburs11 santurs7 sapours9 savours10 scourse9 siddurs9 sourses7 soursop9 sulfurs10 tabours9 tamburs11 tenours7 tumours9 tussurs7 uncurse9 unpurse9 upburst11 valours10 vapours12 velours10 vigours11 voyeurs13 murshid13 acatours10 accursed13 accurses12 airburst10 amateurs10 bahadurs14 becursed13 becurses12 bescours12 bittours10 boursier10 boursins10 bulghurs14 burseeds11 bursicon12 bursitis10 bursters10 burstier10 bursting11 burstone10 candours11 centaurs10 clamours12 clotburs12 concours12 contours10 coursers10 crathurs13 critturs10 curseder11 cursedly14 cursillo10 cursings11 cursitor10 cursives13 cursores10 cutpurse12 danseurs9 disburse11 dispurse11 dortours9 douceurs11 ecotours10 enamours10 excursed18 excurses17 excursus17 faitours11 farceurs13 fervours14 flaneurs11 flavours14 foursome13 fracturs13 frakturs15 friseurs11 fulgours12 glamours11 harbours13 hauteurs11 haveours14 haviours14 hotspurs13 imbursed13 imburses12 inbursts10 jodhpurs21 kursaals12 liqueurs17 mainours10 masseurs10 noursled9 noursles8 nursings9 nursling9 outburst10 outcurse10 outpours10 pandours11 parkours14 parlours10 paviours13 poursews13 poursued11 poursues10 poursuit10 precurse12 primeurs12 proneurs10
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