Counter is valid Scrabble Word

Is counter a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is counter valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COUNTER in dictionary:

Words related to COUNTER

countered12 countering13 counters10

Words that contain COUNTER

counters10 countered12 encounter11 recounter11 counteract14 counterbid15 countercry17 countering13 counterion12 counterman14 countermen14 counterspy17 countersue12 countertop14 discounter13 encounters12 recounters12 rencounter12 counteracts15 counterbase15 counterbids16 counterblow18 counterbond16 counterbore15 counterbuff21 countercoup17 counterdraw17 counterdrew17 counterfect18 counterfeit16 counterfire16 counterflow19 counterfoil16 counterfort16 counterglow17 counterions13 countermand16 countermark19 countermemo17 countermine15 countermove18 countermure15 countermyth21 counterpace17 counterpane15 counterpart15 counterplan15 counterplay18 counterplea15 counterpled16 counterplot15 counterploy18 counterpose15 counterraid14 countersank17 counterseal13 countershot16 countersign14 countersink17 counterstep15 countersued14 countersues13 countersuit13 countersunk17 countertops15 countertype18 countervail16 counterview19 counterword17 counterwork20 discounters14 encountered14 encounterer13 reencounter13 rencounters13 counterbade16 counteracted17 counteragent15 counterargue15 counterbases16 counterblast16 counterblows19 counterbluff22 counterbonds17 counterbored17 counterbores16 counterbrace18 counterbuffs22 countercharm21 countercheck25 counterclaim18 countercoups18 countercries16 counterdrawn18 counterdraws18 counterfeits17 counterfires17 counterflows20 counterfoils17 counterforce19 counterforts17 counterglows18 counterimage17 counterlight18 countermands17 countermarch21 countermarks20 countermemos18 countermined17 countermines16 countermoved20 countermoves19 countermured17 countermures16 countermyths22 counteroffer20 counterorder15 counterpaces18 counterpanes16 counterparts16 counterparty19 counterpeise16 counterplans16 counterplays19 counterplead17 counterpleas16 counterplots16 counterploys19 counterpoint16 counterpoise16 counterposed17 counterposes16 counterpower19 counterproof19 counterpunch21 counterraids15 counterrally17 counterscarp18 counterseals14 countershaft20 countershots17 countersigns15 countersinks18 counterspell16 counterspies16 counterstain14 counterstate14 countersteps16 counterstyle17 countersuing15 countersuits14 countertenor14 countertrade15 countertrend15 countertypes19 countervails17 counterviews20 counterweigh21 counterwords18 counterworks21 counterworld18 encounterers14 encountering15 reencounters14 rencountered15 counterfired18 countervalue17 counteracting18 counteraction17 counteractive20 counteragents16 counterargued17 counterargues16 counterattack21 counterbidder19 counterblasts17 counterbluffs23 counterboring18 counterbraced20 counterbraces19 counterbuffed24 counterchange21 countercharge21 countercharms22 counterchecks26 counterclaims19 counterdemand19 countereffort21 counterfeited19 counterfeiter18 counterfeitly21 counterforces20 counterimages18 counterlights19 countermanded19 countermelody21 countermining18 countermotion17 countermoving21 countermuring18 counteroffers21 counterorders16 counterpeised18 counterpeises17 counterpicket23 counterplayed21 counterplayer20 counterpleads18 counterpoints17 counterpoised18 counterpoises17 counterposing18 counterpowers20 counterproofs20 counterraided17 counterreform20 counterscarps19 countersealed16 countershafts21 countersigned17 countersniper17 counterspells17 counterspying21 counterstains15 counterstated16 counterstates15 counterstream17 counterstrike19 counterstroke19 counterstruck21 counterstyles18 countertactic19 countertenors15 counterterror15 counterthreat18 counterthrust18 countertraded17 countertrades16 countertrends16 countervailed19 counterweighs22 counterweight22 counterworked23 counterworker22 counterworlds19 reencountered16 rencountering16 counterfiring19 counterbidden19 counteractions18 counterarguing18 counterassault16 counterattacks22 counterbalance20 counterbidders20 counterbracing21 counterbuffing25 counterchanged23 counterchanges22 countercharged23 countercharges22 countercharmed24 counterchecked28 counterclaimed21 counterculture18 countercurrent18 counterdemands20 counterdrawing21 counterefforts22 counterexample27 counterfactual21 counterfeiters19 counterfeiting20 countermanding20 countermarched24 countermarches23 countermeasure18 countermotions18 counterordered18 counterparties18 counterpeising19 counterpickets24 counterplanned19 counterplayers21 counterplaying22 counterpleaded20 counterplotted19 counterpointed19 counterpoising19 counterproject27 counterprotest18 counterpunched24 counterpuncher23 counterpunches23 counterraiding18 counterrallied17 counterrallies16 counterreforms21 countersealing17 countershading21

How to use COUNTER in a sentence

Similar words containing UNT without suffix er and without prefix co

aunt4 bunt6 cunt6 dunt5 hunt7 lunt4 munt6 punt6 runt4 unto4 aunts5 aunty8 blunt7 brunt7 bunts7 bunty10 count7 cunts7 daunt6 dunts6 fount8 gaunt6 grunt6 haunt8 hunts8 jaunt12 junta12 junto12 lunts5 mount7 munts7 muntu7 naunt5 prunt7 punto7 punts7 punty10 runts5 runty8 saunt5 shunt8 stunt5 taunt5 untax12 untie5 until5 untin5 vaunt8 amount8 aunter6 auntie6 auntly9 avaunt9 blunts8 bounty11 brunts8 buntal8 bunted9 bunter8 chaunt11 counts8 county11 daunts7 draunt7 dunted8 exeunt13 fiaunt9 flaunt9 founts9 gaunts7 grunts7 gunter7 haunts9 hunted10 hunter9 jaunts13 jaunty16 juntas13 juntos13 lunted7 mounts8 munted9 munter8 muntin8 muntus8 naunts6 prunts8 punted9 puntee8 punter8 puntos8 runted7 saunts6 scrunt8 shunts9 strunt6 stunts6 suntan6 taunts6 ubuntu8 untack12 untame8 unteam8 untent6 unthaw12 untidy10 untied7 unties6 untile6 untins6 untold7 untomb10 untorn6 untrim8 untrod7 untrue6 untuck12 untune6 unturf9 unturn6 vaunts9 vaunty12 account11 amounts9 ascaunt9 aunters7 aunties7 avaunts10 bawsunt12 blunted10 blunter9 bluntly12 bowhunt15 brunted10 buntals9 bunters9 buntier9 bunting10 chaunts12 chunter12 counted10 country12 daunted9 daunter8 daunton8 demount10 draunts8 dunting9 fiaunts10 flaunts10 flaunty13 foxhunt20 gaunted9 gaunter8 gauntly11 gauntry11 grunted9 grunter8 gruntle8 gunters8 haunted11 haunter10 hunters10 hunting11 jaunted15 jauntee14 jauntie14 lunting8 manhunt12 mounted10 mounter9 munters9 munting10 muntins9 muntjac18 muntjak20 muntrie9 opuntia9 outhunt10 pesaunt9 prunted10 puntees9 punters9 punties9 punting10 recount9 remount9 romaunt9 runtier7 runtish10 saunted8 saunter7 scrunts9 scrunty12 shunted11 shunter10 strunts7 stunted8 suntans7 suntrap9 talaunt7 taunted8 taunter7 ubuntus9 unmount9 untacks13 untaken11 untamed10 untames9 untaxed15 untaxes14 unteach12 unteams9 untents7 untenty10 unthaws13 unthink14 untiled8 untiles7 untimed10 untired8 untombs11 untoned8 untrace9 untrack13 untread8 untride8 untried8 untrims9 untruer7 untruly10 untruss7 untrust7 untruth10 untucks13 untuned8 untunes7 unturfs10 unturns7 untwine10 untwist10 untying11 vaunted11 vaunter10 vauntie10 accounts12 amounted11 armgaunt11 aunthood12 auntlier8 auntlike12 avaunted12 bluntest10 blunting11 bluntish13 bountied11 bounties10 bountree10 bowhunts16 brunting11 buntiest10 buntings11 buntline10 chaunted14 chaunter13 chauntry16 chounter13 chunters13 conjunto17 counters10 countess10 countian10 counties10 counting11 countrol10 daunters9 daunting10 dauntons9 demounts11 discount11 dismount11 draunted10 enaunter8 flaunted12 flaunter11 fountain11 fountful14 foxhunts21 gauntest9 gaunting10 gauntlet9 gauntree9 grunters9 grunting10 gruntled10 gruntles9 haunters11 haunting12 headhunt15 hereunto11
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