Disc is valid Scrabble Word

Is disc a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is disc valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISC in dictionary:

Words related to DISC

disced10 discing11 disclike15 discs8 disk9

Words that contain DISC

disci8 disco8 discs8 discal9 disced10 discos9 discus9 discage11 discant10 discard11 discase10 discept12 discern10 discerp12 discide11 discing11 discoed11 discoer10 discoes10 discoid11 discord11 discure10 discuss10 discaged13 discages12 discandy15 discants11 discards12 discased12 discases11 discepts13 discerns11 discerps13 discided13 discides12 discinct13 disciple13 disclaim13 discless11 disclike15 disclose11 disclost11 discoers11 discoids12 discoing12 discolor11 discords12 discount11 discoure11 discover14 discreet11 discrete11 discrown14 discured12 discures11 discuses11 minidisc13 discaging14 discalced15 discandie13 discanted13 discanter12 discarded14 discarder13 discasing13 discepted15 discerned13 discerner12 discerped15 discharge16 dischurch20 disciding14 disciform17 discipled15 disciples14 disclaims14 disclimax21 disclosed13 discloser12 discloses12 discoboli14 discoidal13 discology16 discolors12 discolour12 discomfit17 discommon16 discorded14 discounts12 discoured13 discoures12 discourse12 discovers15 discovert15 discovery18 discredit13 discreter12 discrowns15 discumber16 discuring13 Show more ...

How to use DISC in a sentence

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