Yin is valid Scrabble Word

Is yin a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is yin valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for YIN in dictionary:

Words related to YIN

one3 yins7

Words that contain YIN

ayin7 pyin9 tyin7 yins7 ayins8 dying10 eying9 hying12 layin8 lying9 nying9 pyins10 tiyin8 tying9 vying12 yince10 zayin17 abying12 baying12 boying12 buying12 clying12 coying12 crying12 drying11 dyings11 faying13 feying13 flying13 frying13 guying11 haying13 heying13 hoying13 joying17 keying14 laying10 layins9 lyings10 maying12 noying10 paying12 pinyin11 plying12 prying12 raying10 saying10 shying13 skying14 spying12 stying10 thyine12 tiyins9 toying10 trying10 vyings13 waying13 wrying13 yindie10 zayins18 affying17 alaying11 aleying11 allying11 apaying13 babying15 belying13 bodying14 braying13 breying13 buoying13 burying13 busying13 buyings13 claying13 cloying13 copying15 cosying13 cozying22 cryings13 defying15 denying12 divying15 draying12 dryings12 dyingly15 easying11 ebaying13 eddying13 envying14 espying13 flaying14 fleying14 flyings14 fraying14 fryings14 gleying12 graying12 greying12 hayings14 herying14 Show more ...

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