Ane is valid Scrabble Word

Is ane a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ane valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANE in dictionary:

Words related to ANE

anes4 one3

Words that contain ANE

anes4 anew7 bane6 cane6 fane7 gane5 jane11 kane8 lane4 mane6 nane4 pane6 sane4 tane4 vane7 wane7 alane5 anear5 anele5 anent5 baned8 banes7 brane7 caned8 caneh10 caner7 canes7 crane7 diane6 eaned6 fanes8 flane8 ganef9 ganev9 inane5 janes12 kaneh12 kanes9 lanes5 liane5 maneb9 maned8 maneh10 manes7 manet7 meane7 paned8 panel7 panes7 plane7 ranee5 saned6 saner5 sanes5 slane5 spane7 stane5 thane8 vaned9 vanes8 waned9 wanes8 waney11 laned6 alkane10 anears6 aneath9 aneled7 aneles6 anelli6 anemia8 anemic10 anenst6 anergy10 anerly9 anetic8 arcane8 beaned9 borane8 branes8 butane8 bylane11 canehs11 caners8 cetane8 craned9 cranes8 cubane10 deaned8 deaner7 decane9 douane7 elanet6 ethane9 fanega10 flaned10 flanes9 forane9 furane9 ganefs10 ganevs10 Show more ...

How to use ANE in a sentence

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